April 29, 2012

The Robot Rescue Animatic

Hello All

Check out the RR Animatic. It's about 7 minutes long and has hundreds of drawings pieced together to tell the story of Robot Rescue in a short film format.

Compressing the file was not kind to the audio, so i'll let your imagination fill in the soundtrack.

It moves at a snappy pace so keep your bionic eyes focused.

All feedback is welcome. And a BIG 16 bit shout out to Donny Pattenden, who joined up to be a Member.

April 18, 2012

Robot Rescue Comic Roughs

Hello followers, robots and countrymen.

Here is a few pages of rough comic page designs.

Each finished image is a sandwich of about 5 layers, all rendered to build up the atmosphere of the environment. I particularly like the smog/fog look that Brendan Carmody designed.  The whole idea of several layers was for each image was Brendan's, so kudos to him.

These images are just working roughs and not the finished product. For example the first image of the city has no traffic or pedestrians in the city. It's just a way of quickly putting some page layouts down to see if they are each working on their own and as a narrative.

All comments welcome on what you think of the look, the layouts and their readability.Due to the vertical placement of the images in blogger, the pages boundaries may be a bit indistinct, but i'm sure you'll work out that there are 4 pages [:] )

And feel free to hit the subscribe link at the top right of the page to get regular robo updates.


April 13, 2012

Sparky Tool Demo Video

Robotic Hellos to all.

Here's a quick little video of Sparky showing off his tools.

Let me know if the blog layout and background is working on your computer as i have upgraded to a new blogger layout.

Animation by me and modelling by Brendan Carmody.


April 11, 2012

Robot Rescue Teaser Video

Here's a quick teaser for Robot Rescue. It hasn't been rendered to the finished product standard, but it's nice to see the characters moving.

This little video was rendered before the facial features of the characters had been animated, and here's why,

As an animation tip, if an animator can convey to the audience what the characters are feeling and thinking through the use of body language, before animating the eyes and mouth, then that is building a solid foundation on which to layer the depth of the character's emotion by then animating the eyes and mouth (dialogue).

Put simply, a character can say the words "I'm happy". But if their body language does not convey their happiness, the audience will intuitively not believe that the character is happy.

Thanks to Brendan Carmody for all his technical and modelling work on the 3d assets of Robot Rescue.
This video was animated by the combined efforts of Nam Doan and myself.
The first half of the music comes from, I think, the original Robotech Sound track and the last half is the work of Danny Elfman.

Stay tuned for more videos, progress and tips to come soon.